Thursday, April 06, 2006

After the first three months - a look ahead

After reviewing my progress so far, it is time to set some goals for the next three months. So, here are the things I hope to accomplish, aside from the most important thing: having fun! In general, I'd like to gather some basic knowledge on tactics, strategy, endgames, and openings until June.

  • Don't waste so much time surfing the chessic internet anymore!
  • Do more tactics problems. I just failed to prevent a simple knight fork of my rook, queen, and king in a correspondence game... The goal is to (1) get fast enough to solve a reasonable number of problems (say 40) in less than 10 minutes, and then to go through tactics problems until this doesn't happen any more. Why 10 minutes? - I can always squeeze 10min somewhere in my daily schedule, so I wouldn't have any reason to skip studying anymore!
  • Start some endgame study. I got already a copy of Bruce Pandolfini's "Endgame course", which contains problems that are supposedly well suited for beginners.
  • For chess strategy, I will stick with going over well annotated games for now.
  • Start playing "live" against humans again. Up to now I mostly played against the computer and in correspondence chess tournaments on ChessWorld. I guess it is time for some (slow) games on FICS.
  • Use the same openings in all games and try to get familiar with them.
  • And finally again: don't waste so much time surfing the internet!!!


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